Drama 1A great place for a beginning actor! Drama 1 is designed to build self-confidence, imagination, and teach the rudiments of performing. Units include acting basics, voice & diction, movement, pantomime, theatre history, and characterization.
Drama 2The next level for intermediate Actors! Units include: Improvisation, presence, voice, movement & theatre history. The goal of this class is to provide confidence in ones acting ability and practice in contemporary as well as classical scenes.
Drama 3 HonorsThis course is an advanced theatre class for students wishing to further their skills and abilities in theatre. This class will begin to explore advanced and even abstract mediums of theatre. Units include: Theatre of the Absurd, Theatre Of the Oppressed, and more.
Students will work behind the scenes to provide lighting, sound, stage management, set construction, makeup, and costumes for all theatrical productions. They will provide technical support for music, and dance productions as well as assemblies and community events. Students will be trained on how to use all stage equipment as well as in all of the elements of theatrical design. Students can apply for the class at the start of a new semester.